Hewes Middle School
Hewes Middle School offers a variety of afterschool activities, so get involved and see where your talents take you in your educational journey.
Intramural sports offered at Hewes consist of after-school practice, competitions with neighboring schools, end of season scrimmages and festivals.
- This is a fun program for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students,.
- These are " no-cut"* sports with the exception of some end-of-season final tournaments. *(students grades must be 2.0 and above)
- Practices are held on campus after school, with occasional travel to other schools for scrimmages.
- Emphasis is on skill development, sportsmanship and teamwork.
- Students will learn the rules and strategies of each sport in a supportive environment, coached by middle-school teachers.
- Both experienced and novice athletes are encouraged to participate.
- Games will be self-refereed by students.
- Each sport will last for 6 weeks.
- Each participating student will be invited to make a donation to TPSF to cover the costs of the coaching staff and transportation to and from scrimmages. TPSF will cover all the costs for "Festivals" at the end of each sport season. All interested and committed students are encouraged to participate, whether or not they make a donation.
- Each sport will culminate in a one-day end of season "festival", held during the school day. Parents are invited to attend. All participants are invited to attend the cross country festival. For basketball and volleyball, each school will choose grade-level boys and girls teams to compete in the festival.
- See MR VISSER in room B-6 for more information and permission slips.
Cross Country
in the Fall
in the Spring
in the Winter
For more information on middle school sports,
see MR. VISSER -Hewes Athletic Director,
or visit https://www.tpsf.net/save-our-sports/
Special thanks to the Tustin Public Schools Foundation
for supporting middle school sports.
in the Spring
A variety of clubs are available each year. Students should listen for club information during morning announcements. Clubs may include:
Club | Description | |
Chess Club | Everyone is welcome! Even if you don't know how to play, come and learn. Meetings are during lunch hour. | |
CJSF | The goal of the California Junior Scholarship Federation is to foster high standards of scholarship, service and citizenship in 7th and 8th grade students | |
GG4G | GG4G is a club that meets monthly to support faith, fellowship and fun through games, food and guest speakers. This club is open to everyone. | |
Robotics Team |
The TUSD Robotics program provides an authentic learning opportunity for students to develop and build skills in engineering, design, collaboration, innovation and computer programming. This highly competitive program has representation from every school in TUSD. Students showcase their learning at tournaments where they have the opportunity to qualify for the VEX California State Championship. This program is a reality due to the generous support from TUSD and the Tustin Public Schools Foundation.
Where Everybody Belongs Leaders serve as role models and provide support to 6th grade students at Hewes. 8th Grade only. Students may apply at end of 7th grade.