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To report an absence by email:

(include student name, grade, date(s) and reason for absence)


Or call: (714)730-7348 extension 82777

If you are picking a student up early,
please send a note that is given to the front office
before first period or email the above email address.



Attendance Guidelines

It is one of our goals to make every effort to preserve instructional minutes and keep classroom interruptions to a minimum. Please support your student in following these attendance guidelines:

  • Early dismissal: Should a student need to be picked up during the school day, please send him/her to school with a note stating the specific time they will be leaving. The note should be brought to the front office before first period and the staff will provide your student with an early dismissal pass. This will avoid the need for staff to send a campus supervisor to the classroom and interrupting instruction.
  • End of Day: Students will not be called out of class after 2:20pm without an early dismissal pass. At that point we ask that you wait for the final 2:45pm bell to retrieve your student.
  • Reporting Absences: It is the parent’s responsibility to report a student’s absence. Include the student's name, grade, date(s) and reason for absence. There are two ways to report: Call the attendance line at (714) 730-7348 x82777, or send an email to
  • Attendance inquiries: If you received an absence call in error, check the Aeries Parent Portal to locate which class marked an absence. Send an email to the teacher regarding the absence, or talk to the teacher the next day. The teacher will notify the Attendance Office to make any corrections. Please do not call the Attendance Office prior to contacting the teacher. The office cannot change teacher attendance records without teacher permission.


Thank you for your understanding and assistance.